Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Epiphany of the Lord
First Sunday After Christmas
Christmas Eve 2024
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Third Sunday of Advent
Second Sunday of Advent
First Sunday of Advent
The Reign of Christ
Pentecost 26
Remembrance Sunday
All Saints / All Souls
Pentecost 23
Pentecost 22
Harvest Thanksgiving
Pentecost 20
The Feast of St. Michael and All Angels
Pentecost 18
Pentecost 14
Pentecost 13
Pentecost 12
Pentecost 11
Pentecost 10
Pentecost 8
Pentecost 7
Pentecost 6 and Canada Day
Pentecost 5
Pentecost 4 & Father's Day
Pentecost 3
Pentecost 2
Trinity Sunday
Pentecost Sunday
Ascension Sunday & Mother's Day
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Fifth Sunday in Easter
Good Sheppard Sunday
Third Sunday in Easter
Second Sunday in Easter
Palm/Passion Sunday
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Third Sunday in Lent
Second Sunday in Lent & Black History Celebration
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Thanksgiving Sunday
Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
Guest Preacher & Celebrant: The Rev. Claire Goodrich Dyer
Sermon: "The Mustard Seed"
July 23, 2023
Eighth Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon: "The Furnace of Fire"
Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon: "Beside the Lake"
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon: "This Generation"
Fifth Sunday After Pentecost
Canada Day Sunday
Sermon: Our Citizenship"
Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon: "Deep Waters"
Third Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon: "Fathers Aren't Perfect"
Second Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon: "Healing Our Paralysis"
Trinity Sunday
Sermon: "Two Mountains"
The Day of Pentecost
Sermon: "The Wild Goose"
Ascension Sunday
Sermon: "Why Do You Stand Looking Up?"
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Mother's Day
Sermon: "I Will Not Leave You Orphaned"
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Sermon: "My Father's House"
Fourth Sunday of Easter
"Good Shepherd Sunday"
Sermon: "What Makes A Good Shepherd?"
Preacher: The Rev. Claire Goodrich Dyer
Second Sunday of Easter
Sermon: "The Important of Doubt"
Easter Sunday
Sermon: "Mary"
Maundy Thursday - Good Friday
Sermon: "It is Finished
Palm - Passion Sunday
Sermon: "Who is This?
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Sermon: "Come Out!"
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Sermon: "Born Blind"
Third Sunday in Lent
Sermon: "Give Me A Drink of Water"
Second Sunday in Lent
Sermon: "You Can Do It!"
First Sunday in Lent
Black History Presentation: "Braided"
Sermon: "Tempted!"
Ash Wednesday
And Introduction to our 2023 Lenten Study Series:
"Surveying the Cross"
Last Sunday After the Epiphany
Transfiguration Sunday
Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany
Sermon: "Inside Out"
Soloist: Ethalyn Walling-Richards
Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany
Sermon: "You Are the Light"
Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany
Sermon: "Blessed!"
Third Sunday After the Epiphany
Sermon: "Sitting in Darkness"
Second Sunday After the Epiphany
Sermon: "Come and See"
Preacher: Fr. Vernon LaFleur
The Baptism of the Lord
Sermon: "The Missing Years of Jesus"
New Year's Day - The Naming of Jesus
Sermon: "My Prediction for 2023"
Christmas Eve
Sermon: "The Temple and the Stable"
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Sermon: "What's In A Name?"
Third Sunday of Advent
Sermon: "The Greatest!"
Second Sunday of Advent
Sermon: "Repent!"
First Sunday of Advent
Sermon: "Wake Up!"
Reign of Christ
Christ the King
23rd Sunday After Pentecost
22nd Sunday After Pentecost
Ministry of the Word (Collect, Readings & Sermon)
21st Sunday After Pentecost
Commemoration of the Faithful Departed
20th Sunday After Pentecost
19th Sunday After Pentecost
18th Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon and Announcements for
The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost
Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
Eighth Sunday After Pentecost
Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost
Fifth Sunday After Pentecost
Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
Canada Day Celebration!
Third Sunday After Pentecost
Second Sunday After Pentecost
Father's Day
Trinity Sunday
The Day of Pentecost
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Ascension Sunday
Refugee Sunday
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Good Shepherd Sunday
Mother's Day
Third Sunday of Easter
Second Sunday of Easter
(Octave of Easter)
Easter Sunday
Good Friday
Maundy Thursday
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Third Sunday in Lent
Second Sunday in Lent
First Sunday in Lent
With an introduction to our Lenten book and theme this year: "Embracing Justice"
The Last Sunday After the Epiphany
Black History Month
The Seventh Sunday After the Epiphany
Black History Month
The Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany
Black History Month
The Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany
The 70th Anniversary of the Accession of HM Queen Elizabeth to the Throne
The Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany
The Third Sunday After The Epiphany
The Second Sunday After the Epiphany
The Baptism of the Lord
Second Sunday of Christmas
The First Sunday of Christmas
St. Stephen's Day
A Service of Nine Lessons and Carols and Christmas Greetings from our Church Family
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Third Sunday of Advent
Second Sunday of Advent
"Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord"
First Sunday of Advent
Celebration of Barbados as a Republic
Reign of Christ
Men's Fellowship Sunday
25th Sunday After Pentecost
Remembrance Sunday
Second Sunday After the Epiphany
Sermon: "Can Anything Good Come from Nazareth?"
The Baptism of the Lord
Sermon: "I'm Proud of You"
The Feast of the Epiphany
Sermon: "The Star"
First Sunday after Christmas
Sermon: "Glad Tidings"
A Festival of Nine Lesson and Carols
for Christmastide
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Sermon: "Nothing Will be Impossible with God"
Third Sunday of Advent
Sermon: "I am the Voice"
Second Sunday of Advent
Sermon: "Greater Than I"
First Sunday of Advent
Sermon: "Watch!"
Christ the King Men's Fellowship Service
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