Chancel Guild

The Chancel Guild (also called "Altar Guild" in some churches) is a traditional ministry working quietly behind the scenes. Amongst its duties, in the course of preparing the church for worship each week, the Guild ...
* ensures that the wine, water, and wafers are ready for the Minister to serve
* places candles on the altar
* arranges flowers
* orders supplies
* launders the fair linen
* cares for Communion vessels and altar frontals

The Guild also prepares for religious holidays:
* Thanksgiving - The Guild decorates the church with the fruits of the harvest.
* Palm Sunday - The Guild makes palm crosses.
* Christmas - The Guild decorates the tree and the church.

The Guild also prepares the altar for weddings and funerals.

Everything that the Guild does has deep meaning. Guild members learn about customs and practices that go back deep into history, some back into the life of the early church.

Flowers placed on the altar each week are given by parishioners to the glory of God and in memory of loved ones, in celebration of family, anniversaries, birthdays, or other special occasions. Flower arrangements are then given to fellow parishioners in sympathy, celebration or support. At Christmas and Easter the congregation is invited to make donations and names are recognized in the bulletin.   

If you are interested in joining the Chancel Guild, speak to the clergy. If you'd like to place flowers on the altar, or make a donation to the Chancel Guild, please contact the church to leave a message.

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