Tuesday Bible Study Videos

We are hoping to meet in for in-person Bible Studies once again in the spring of 2023.

June 4, 2023

Syudy: "Chasing the Wind" - Some thoughts about the Holy Spirit

May 23, 2023

Study: The Ascension"

May 16, 2023

Easter Study Series: "Death Works Backwards"
Part 5: "What Does It Mean?"

May 9, 2023

Easter Study Series: "Death Works Backwards"
Part 4: "How Do We Explain It?"

May 2, 2023

Easter Study Series: "Death Works Backwards"
Part 3: "Was Only Jesus Raised from the Dead?"

April 18, 2023

Easter Study Series: "Death Works Backwards"
Part 1: "What's the Story?"

April 4, 2023

Lenten Study Series: "Surveying the Cross"
Study #7: "Atonement"

March 28, 2023

Lenten Study Series: "Surveying the Cross"
Study #6: "The Foolishness of the Cross"

March 21, 2023

Lenten Study Series: "Surveying the Cross"
Study #5: "Connection with the Divine""

March 14, 2023

Lenten Study Series: "Surveying the Cross"
Study #4: "The Offence of the Cross"

March 7, 2023

Lenten Study Series: "Surveying the Cross"
Study #3: Jamaica - "How Do We Go On?"

February 28, 2023

Lenten Study Series: "Surveying the Cross"
Study #2: "The Cross as the Place Where Our Sin and God's Love Collide"

February 22, 2023

Introduction to our Lenten Study Series:
"Surveying the Cross"

February 14, 2023

Q&A: "What was Paul's thorn in the flesh?

February 7, 2023

Q&A: "Is there one God and how do we know we're worshiping the right one?"

January 31, 2023

Q&A: "Why do we dream of people who have died?"

January 24, 2023

Q&A: "What does Jesus mean when he says, 'No one comes to the Father except through me?'"

January 17, 2023

Q&A: "Why it is that, when presented with every opportunity and advantage, so many Hebrews refused to turn to God and to follow Jesus?

January 10, 2023

Q&A: "What Took God So Long?"

December 20, 2022

Q&A: "What is the Torah?"

December 13, 2022

Q&A: “Why do we hear so much about the Roman Catholic Church and so little (by comparison) about the other churches?”

December 6, 2022

Q&A: "Why do we use incense in our worship services and what is its meaning?"

November 29, 2022

Q&A: "How do we cross ourselves and why?"

November 15, 2022

Q&A: "What is the connection between the two men named Lazarus in Luke's and in John's gospels?"

November 8, 2022

Q&A: "What happened to Lazarus after he was brought back to life?"

November 1, 2022

Q&A: "Why did Jesus raise only three people from the dead and nobody else"

October 25, 2022

Q&A: "Why were all twelve Hebrew tribes known as 'Israel'?"

October 18, 2022

Q&A: "Why do we skip verses in the Psalms and never read certain Bible passages in church on Sundays? 

October 11, 2022

Q&A: "Why and when did I become a Christian?"

October 4, 2022

Q&A: "Why do we baptise babies and believe that Baptism can never be repeated?"

September 27, 2022

Q&A: "Why do we observe the Sabbath on Sunday when the Fourth Commandment says we should keep the seventh day holy?"

June 21, 2022

Q&A: "What Happens to Us After We Die?"

June 14, 2022

Q&A: "Is the Bible the Word of God, and what does that mean?"

June 7, 2022

Q&A: "How do we know what God said and did at Creation if humans hadn't evolved yet?"

May 31, 2022

Q&A: "Why Doesn't God Fix This World?"

May 24, 2022

Q&A: "How Can God be Three and One At the Same Time?"

May 17, 2022

Q&A: "Where is God?"

MAY 10, 2022

Q&A: "How can you tell metaphor and literal fact apart in the Bible?"

May 3, 2022

Q&A: "If Jesus was sinless, why did he need to have his sins washed away in baptism?"

April 5, 2022

Lenten Study Series 2022: "Embracing Justice"
Study #5: "Justice and the Cross of Jesus"

March 29, 2022

Lenten Study Series 2022: "Embracing Justice"
Study #4: "Justice and Incarnation"

March 22, 2022

Lenten Study Series 2022: "Embracing Justice"
Study #3: "Building a Community of Justice"

March 15, 2022

Lenten Study Series 2022: "Embracing Justice"
Study #2: "How We Left Paradise"

March 8, 2022

Lenten Study Series 2022: "Embracing Justice"
 Study #1: "Paradise Lost"

February 22, 2022

Faith in the Time of Coronavirus
Part 6

February 15, 2022

Faith in the Time of Coronavirus
Part 5

February 8, 2022

"Faith in the Time of Coronavirus"
Part 4

February 1, 2022

Faith in the Time of Coronavirus
Part 3

January 25, 2022

Faith in the Time of Coronavirus
Part 2

January 18, 2022

Faith in the Time of Coronavirus

December 14, 2021

Advent Series 2021
Part 3: "The Widow's Mite

December 7, 2021

Advent Series: "Doing Small Things" (Part 2)
Matthew 13:31-33

November 30, 2021

Advent Series: "God Chose What is Weak" (Part 1)

November 23, 2021

Series: "Reading the Bible Through the Lens of Art"
St. Barth's

November 16, 2021

Series: "Reading the Bible Through the Lens of Art"

November 9, 2021

Series: "Reading the Bible Through the Lens of Art"
St. Martin

November 2, 2021

Series: "Reading the Bible Through the Lens of Art"
The Cayman Islands

January 12, 2021

Series: "The Way"
Part 1: "People of the Way" 

December 15, 2020

Series: "The Weary World Rejoices"
Part 3: "The Thrill of Hope"

December 8, 2020

2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Series: "The Weary World Rejoices"
Part 2: "Fall On Your Knees"

December 1, 2020

John 3:16-21
Series: "The Weary World Rejoices"
Part 1: "In Sin and Error Pining"

Nov. 24, 2020 

Exodus 10:29-32
"The Ten Plagues of Egypt"
Part 10: "The Plague of the Death of the First-Born"

Nov. 17, 2020

Exodus 10:21-29
"The Ten Plagues of Egypt"
Part 9: "The Plague of Darkness"

Nov. 10, 2020

Exodus 10:12-20
"The Ten Plagues of Egypt"
Part 8: "The Plague of Locusts"

Nov. 3, 2020

Exodus 9:13-35
"The Ten Plagues of Egypt"
Part 7: "The Plague of Thunder & Hail"

October 27, 2020

Exodus 9:8-11
"The Ten Plagues of Egypt"
Part 6: "The Plague of Boils"

October 20, 2020

Exodus 9:1-7
"The Ten Plagues of Egypt"
Part 5: "The Plague of Diseased Livestock"

October 13, 2020

Exodus 8:20-32
"The Ten Plagues of Egypt"
Part 4: "The Plague of Biting Flies"

October 6, 2020

Exodus 8:16-19
"The Ten Plagues of Egypt"
Part 3: "The Plague of Gnats"

Sept. 29, 2020

Exodus 8:1-15
"The Ten Plagues of Egypt"
Part 2: "The Plague of Frogs"

Sept. 22, 2020

Exodus 7:14-24
"The Ten Plagues of Egypt"
Part 1: "The Plague of Blood"

June 30, 2020

Our Summer Homework
Canon Richard Tanner & Archbishop John Sentamu

June 23, 2020

Isaiah 29:13-16
"Exploring Prayer" with Archbishop Welby and Canon Tanner
Part 5: "Wonder!"

June 16, 2020

Psalm 118:1-5, 21-29
"Exploring Prayer" with Archbishop Welby
and Canon Tanner
Part 4: "Giving Thanks"

June 9, 2020

Matthew 6:12
"Exploring Prayer" with Archbishop Welby and Canon Tanner
Part 3: "Saying Sorry"

June 2, 2020

Lamentations 1:1-8
"Exploring Prayer" with Archbishop Welby and Canon Tanner
Part 2: "Learning to Lament"

May 26, 2020

Matthew 7:7
"Exploring Prayer" with Archbishop Welby and Canon Tanner. Part 1 "Asking God"

May 19, 2020

Luke 22:14-23
Part 6: "What is the Resurrection?"

 May 12, 2020

1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Part 5: "What is the Resurrection?"

May 5, 2020

John 11:17-27
Part 4: "What is the Resurrection?"

April 28, 2020

Matthew 12:38-42
Part 3: "What is the Resurrection?"

April 21, 2020

Daniel 12:1-4
Part 2: "What is the Resurrection?"

April 14, 2020

Job 19:13-29
Part 1: "What is the Resurrection?"

April 7, 2020

John 19:23-24
"Jesus' Last Treasure"

March 31, 2020

1 Timothy 6:7-19
"Real Life"

March 24, 2020

Luke 18:18-25
"The Wealthy Young Ruler"

March 17, 2020

Luke 12:13-21
"Storing Up Treasure Beyond What We Need"

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