Birthday Celebrations
Judy Brewster - March 21
Monica Brathwaite - March 23
Readings for next Sunday - March 16, 2025 - The Second Sunday in Lent Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Psalm 27
Philippians 3:17-4:1
Luke 13:31-35
Readings for Sunday - March 23, 2025 - The Third Sunday in Lent Isaih 55:1-9
Psalm 63:1-8
1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Luke 13:1-9
Our annual Vestry Meeting was held on Sunday February 2, 2025. A link to the 2024 Vestry Report is below. Some printed copies of the report are still available for pickup at the church.
A new Bob Marley Mass, composed by the Rev. Canon Dr. Stephen Fields, will be celebrated at St. James Cathedral on March 16 at 4:30pm. It marks the International Day for the elimination of Discrimination on March 21. The service includes seven of Bob Marley’s songs, led by a Toronto Reggae band. Canon Fields will reflect on the theology of Bob Marley. Mark this date on your calendar for an unforgettable celebration.
Black Heritage ServiceThe service celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Black heritage of the Church in the Diocese of Toronto was held recently at St. James Cathedral. The livestream of the event has been uploaded to St. James Cathedral Youtube page for viewing.
Pastoral Visits
With expected better weather, Rev. Bob is hoping to do some visiting. He has received some names from the wardens but if there are any parishioners who might need a pastoral visit or communion, please call at 647-636-6233 or email:
The Outreach Committee will be hosting the Out Of The Cold Lunch Program on Sunday March 9th. 2025. The committee members would like to thank everyone for their continued support and donations towards this ministry. If there are any questions, please contact Juliette Cummins.
Coffee Hour is every other Sunday. Please call Juliette at 647-766-4223 or Judy at 647-347-2867 to advise of your donations. Please see the schedule posted on the wall at the back of the church.