Men's Fellowship

Membership in the Men's Fellowship is open to all men, both members and friends of St. Mike's. The purpose of our group is "to build together our life in Christ; to love and respect each other and to assist when and wherever we can through worship, prayer and service."

Here are some of the ways in which we try to accomplish this:

 1. Occasional Sunday evening Prayer and Praise services. Everyone is invited and hymns and prayers are lifted up joyfully to the Lord, with a homily delivered by one of the men.

2. An annual service on the last Sunday of November, at our main 10 a.m. service.

3. An annual bursary for our young adults, who are moving on to post-secondary school education.

4. Mothers' Day brunch, moonlight picnic, games evenings, an annual bus tour to a destination chosen for its scenic, historical or educational interest.

5. Undertaking or assisting in various church projects, as agreed to by the group.

If you are interested in being part of this fellowship, meetings are held at the church on the last Sunday of the month, beginning at 4:00 p.m.. Just show up and you will receive a warm welcome!

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