Outreach Ministry

A message from the Outreach Committee - December 6, 2020
Dear parishioners,
Due to the pandemic, the Out of the Cold Program has changed this year. St. Mike’s will not be serving either a dinner in January nor a breakfast in March but will be making bagged lunches instead. 
The bagged lunches will consist of:
2 complete sandwiches
2 bottles of water
a juice box or two
a snack
Juliette would appreciate donations of money or food. Items that she is looking for are cases of water, juice boxes, granola bars, loaves of bread and cans of tuna, turkey or chicken (same size as tuna cans). Donations received until roughly the end of December will be used for the January lunches, and later donations for the March lunches. Please drop your food donation or monetary donation off at the church. If you are providing a monetary donation please clearly indicate that it is for Outreach so that it will be kept separate from the regular offering. Thank you in advance on behalf of the Outreach Committee.
Blessings. Juliette

Juliette Cummins (contact me at 416-291-2432 if you have any questions about donations.)


"In this life we cannot always do great things but we can do small things with great love." - Mother Theresa (1910-1997) 

Outreach is the commitment to live out the promise of our baptism -- to act and advocate for the dignity of every human person.

Outreach means different things to different people. To some, it means speaking out against global or national issues of social injustice and standing up for human rights. For others, it is working to raise awareness and resources to support economic development, rebuilding or recovery abroad. To still others, outreach means working to meet the most basic needs in our own community -- helping to feed and shelter the hungry and the homeless while advocating for more just economic and social systems. But for all, outreach means the challenge to hear God's call to serve...wherever and whenever we can.

Our recent or ongoing outreach projects include the following:

* The collection of food items for families in need and their delivery to Agincourt Food Services.

* The giving of gifts to Juliette's Place, a Shelter for mothers with children fleeing an abusive situation.
A coin drive and food donation to the AIDS Committee of Simcoe County. A garage sale was also held and proceeds were used for the purchase of milk for A.C.S.C.

* The organizing, preparation, serving and clean-up for a breakfast and a dinner for the homeless and poor at the Out of the Cold Program at Knox Presbyterian Church in the Christian Centre Auditorium (4156 Sheppard Ave. E. in Scarborough.)

* A collection of Christmas gifts for the children at Rosalie Hall. "Rosalie Hall enables change in the lives of young mothers and their children. Abuse, loneliness and low self-esteem should be marginalized, not a young mother and child. Every child deserves to dream. Every young mother deserves a chance at success."

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