Welcome to all those who are visiting St. Michael's and joining in our worship. If you have any questions about our parish and would like to become a member, please speak to one of our sides people or clergy and leave your information with them so we can connect with you. You are invited to join us for refreshments / Coffee Hour downstairs in our church hall every Sunday following the 10am service.
Scent Free Environment
St. Michael's church building is a scent free environment. Many folks are more than just "allergic" to scent... it puts their health in danger! We ask our members and guests to PLEASE keep St. Michael's safe and comfortable for everyone by making it scent free! Give perfume, cologne, scented body wash and creams a pass, especially in worship. Thanks!
Coffee Hour is on every other Sunday. A schedule is posted at the back of the church.
Congregational Goals Setting Process
St. Michaels has embarked on a Congregational Goals Setting Process, assisted by the Diocese, that will help us to make an informed decision about our future. To lead this process, a Steering Team has been formed consisting of Suzanne Stuart, Judy Phillips, Orville Brathwaite and the two wardens. They will be organizing meetings over the next few months to gather input from the congregation. The process that they will be following can be found
Our church is a sacred space in which volunteers can develop their leadership gifts and vulnerable people can be part of a safe and loving family. Appropriate screening of clergy and volunteers is an essential part of maintaining that ministry, so that we can ensure the safety of all our members, volunteers and those to whom we offer ministry. If you have any questions about our policy and which to express any concerns, please speak to our Screening in Faith coordinator, Hazel Ward. Copies of the diocesan Policy are available to anyone who requests it, or you can download a copy at http://www.toronto.anglican.ca/uploads.php?id=4dc1b84ea1839 .
On January 1, 2025 the Rev. Bob Bettson began a six-month term as the Interim Priest-In-Charge of St. Michael the Archangel.
Bible Study
Bible Study sessions are suspended until further notice.
Church Envelopes
New envelopes will not be ordered for 2025. Please continue to use leftover envelopes from previous years by crossing out the old date and writing in the current date when you submit your offering. The envelope numbers are the same as before.
If you have ran out of envelopes, or if you are a new user, you can request a set of envelopes from the Sidesperson, the Envelope Secretary or any of the Wardens.
If you would like to have your envelopes delivered to your home, please send a request to the church's email or leave a voice message on the church's telephone answering machine.
We wish to remind you that there are alternative ways for you to give your offerings, including pre-authorized remittance. Please see the "Ways to Give" link on the home page of our website.
Feel free to contact any of our wardens if you have any questions.
Mask Wearing
Although most Covid-19 precautions have been relaxed in the Diocese, the wearing of masks continues to be optional at St. Michael's. We ask all parishioners and guests to be respectful of the personal choices about mask wearing made by all participants in our worship services.
Loonie-Toonie Hymn and Collection
St. Michael's traditionally include a special request hymn during our worship service, which we call the Loonie-Toonie hymn. During the singing of this hymn, we pass around a collection plate for any loose change that people want to donate to the upkeep of the church worship area.
When the Loonie-Toonie hymn is not sung, a special collection plate is left on a table at the back of the church for those who want to contribute as a retiring offering.
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge with gratitude that we worship on lands that have formed part of the traditional territories, at various times, of the Wendat, Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nations. The territory was the subject of the Dish with One Spoon Wampun Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. This land was included in the Treaty referred to as the "Toronto Purchase". We give thanks for the enduring presence of the Indigenous peoples on this land.