Latest updates from our Wardens

Saturday, February 15, 2025
Dear Parishioners of St. Michael the Archangel. Out of an abundance of caution for unusually severe storm conditions expected to continue Saturday and Sunday, the wardens and I want to cancel worship this Sunday only, February 16, for the sake of the safety of all parishioners. Blessings to all and keep safe in the storm.

Yours in Christ,
 Rev. Bob, Rhonda, Denise

Wednesday February 12, 2025
Our next congregational goals meeting with Janet Marshall and Deborah Whalen from the Diocese will take place on February 20.
We will keep you updated on our progress.

Monday, December 28, 2020
We would like to inform you that new envelopes for your offerings were not ordered for 2021. Given that many parishioners did not use all of their envelopes this year, it seemed unnecessary to incur the cost of purchasing new envelopes. We ask that you use up your remaining envelopes for 2020. Your number will remain the same, however, you will need to cross out the existing date and write in the current date when you submit your offering. If you run out of envelopes, you can acquire extra envelopes from the church any Thursday when the wardens are in the office. Please feel free to contact any of the wardens if you have any questions.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Dear St. Michael’s family,
We hope that you are continuing to keep safe and well as the Covid Pandemic continues.
As you are aware, we resumed worship in our church September 13, and have continued for the last two weeks, following the strict protocols of the Diocese with regards to the number of people allowed, social distancing and proper cleaning and sanitization of our sanctuary and other areas. Attendance at the three services were 14, 9 and 6 respectively. We continue to encourage you to come out if you are able to, however, we understand and respect your decision not to attend if you do not yet feel comfortable doing so.
Given the reduced attendance, and looking ahead at the potential for a second lockdown due to the rising number of Covid cases, the wardens have decided to reinstitute the Thursday offering day, to allow parishioners to once again drop off their offerings at the church. Beginning Thursday, October 8, we will be at the church every other Thursday between 10am to 12pm to receive your offerings. The following are the dates for collection of offerings for October and November. December dates will be posted later.
October 8, October 22, November 5, November 19, 2020.
We thank you for continuing to support the upkeep of our church financially and remind you of the alternative methods of submitting your offering such as E-transfer, Pre-authorized Remittance (PAR) as well as online through Canada Helps.org. You can contact one of the wardens to get information on how to use any of the above methods.
We look forward to seeing you either at church on Sundays or Thursdays in the coming weeks. May God bless you and your families and keep you safe and healthy.

The Warden’s Team

June 21, 2020

Dear fellow parishioners,

It has been a little over three months since we have been able to worship at our beloved church, St. Michael the Archangel. We miss all of you, our St. Michael’s family, and hope that you and your families are continuing to stay safe and well.

Over the last few months many of you have come by on Thursday mornings to drop off your offerings, while others have begun to make use of the alternative methods of donations such as e-transfer and online donations. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for continuing to support the upkeep of our church. Our Jubilee from the Diocese was extended an extra month to the end of June, at which time we will be required to resume our regular payments to the Diocese. Because of the three month Jubilee, we are now in a position to pay off the remaining debt to the Diocese. For your information, the following is a breakdown of our average weekly givings for the last four months:

March     $1,164.50    
April        $2031.68
May         $1.051.67
June        $820.00 (as of June 18)

Recently we have added another way for you to submit your offerings. It is Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) which, after you sign up for it, will automatically withdraw a set amount determined by you from your bank account on a monthly basis. You will be required to fill out an application form and attach a void cheque in order to enroll in this program. The advantage of using this method is the stability it will provide to the finances of our church especially when you are unable to physically attend. Information regarding this method of giving is now available on our website. You can download  the brochure and application form here,  or you can pick it up from the church on one of your visits. Click here for a comparison chart outlining all the different methods of giving your offerings so that you can make an informed choice on the method you prefer to use.

Several parishioners have been asking when we expect to be back in church. The latest correspondence from the Diocese indicates that we are hoping to return in September at the earliest even though the government has given the go ahead for churches to resume worship at 30% capacity. The Corporation has been thinking ahead and has devised some safety protocols for our church when we are able to re-enter. We will of course be ultimately guided by the Diocese which, in turn, is taking its lead from the government and health authorities.

Like many other churches our worship has taken on a different form. Canon Tanner has informed us that more people have been tuning in to our online services than were attending in person before. This is indeed a blessing. Our thanks go out to Canon Tanner for making our online service as interesting as possible with his inspiring sermons and the addition of music, as well as live readings by members of the congregation.

Commencing in July we will be switching to an every other week schedule for the summer for people to drop by on Thursday mornings with their collection. Wardens will be at the church on the following dates: July 9 & 23 and August 6 & 20 for those of you who prefer to drop off your offerings in person. Otherwise, we encourage you to take advantage of the alternative methods now in place.

We are hopeful that we will be able to resume worshiping in our building come September. We know that things will not be what we were used to, but we will be able to adapt with God’s help. In the meantime, continue to stay well and safe. Blessings and have a wonderful summer!

Your Wardens’ Team 

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